BoxHead 2Play
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BoxHead 2Play is a brand-new action and shooting game online for 2 players with a retro look, gameplay, and elements, as it is in 2D, but that will not stop you from having an amazing time with it from start to finish, just like we did, hence why we immediately made sure to share it with you all!
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Go around the maps, where you need to shoot down the zombies and survive more than the other player, if you're playing 2P, or against the undead solely, if you are playing by yourselves. There is also the deathmatch mode, where you shoot against one another, and your controls are the following:
- Player 1: Arrows to move, '/' for shooting or using items, '.' and ',' to change weapons.
- Player 2: WASD keys to move, space to shoot, E and Q to change weapons.
There are also plenty of maps where you could be doing this on, such as:
- Big One
- Boxy
- Buttons
- Mazy
- Gladiator
- Strip
- Tight
- Columns
- Castle
- Big Boxy
- Recty
- Patchy
- Forest Box
- Tight 2
- Massive
- Thin Line
- 4 Castles
- The Strips
It's that straightforward and fun, so now that you've learned it, start right now, and maybe tell your friends about this or any of our other games afterward!
How to play?
P1: ARROWS, / , .
P2: WASD, space, Q, E.