Ice Skating Ballerina

Ice Skating Ballerina

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The girls who visit our website should now be very glad we’ve got a new game for them such as Ice Skating Ballerina, which is equally a dress-up game and decoration game, with multiple stages filled with fun for you to have, and be creative in, and we will teach you all about them right now!

Let’s style the Ice Skating Ballerina online!

Begin always by designing and decorating her ice skates, choosing their shape, colors, shoestrings, and decorations, and then dress her up in dresses, hairstyles, jewelry, crowns, or bracelets, to make her look graceful.

You do that once for her solo routine, and then once again for her dance with her partner, in which you get to dress him up as well, and make sure that your team wins on the presentation side with no issues, cause the ice skating skills they already have them! Enjoy!

How to play?

Use the mouse.