Princess Winter Ice Skating Outfits
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It’s always a good idea to play new makeup and dress-up game with Disney Princesses, especially when you get to prepare their look for doing really interesting things, just like today, when Elsa, Anna, Ariel, Moana, Jasmine, and Snow White go ice skating!
Let’s go ice skating in style with the Disney Princesses!
Start with the makeup stage, a part of the game where you get to pick the color you like most for cosmetics such as lipstick, blush, eye-shadow, and contact lenses, and you also choose the shape and color of the eyebrows.
In the following stage, pick the figure skating outfit as well as skates to go on their feet, a hairstyle, and can use earrings and necklaces as accessories. Start now, the fun never stops, and stick around for more of it!
How to play?
Use the mouse.