Journey to Ernie

Journey to Ernie

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Journey to Ernie is the name of the first new game we will offer you today into the Sesame Street Game scategory, which is a category that we have seen you all enjoy very much, something which is not surprising at all, considering how unique each game is, and how fun we have when we play them before adding them on our website. In this game, you will be playing with Ernie, one of the muppets, and this is going to be the first time you do that, so it will be something new. Want to know exactly what you have to do? We invite you to read the next part of the description to find out, and you will be just fine! In this game, you need to find Ernie, as he is hiding behind a certain piece of clothing. You will get clues each time, and you will click on a piece of clothing. Each time, you get one more clue, until you find the item that Ernie is hiding behind. So, pay a lot of attenton to the clues, because that is the only way to find where he is hiding. It's not only a fun game, but it improves your skills, so we invite you to start it right now, and have a terrific time on our website!

How to play?

Use the mouse.