Franky Valet Parking
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We know children like car games, and even more, they like playing parking games, which is the type of game which you are going to play right now, which is not just any parking game, but a valet parking game. You probably know that valets take the cars of clients of hotels or restaurants, and they park their car for them, meaning a valet parking man must be very good when it comes to parking. You will help Franky, the valet in this game do his job, and we are sure you will have a great time doing so. Want to know how? Then just read the next part of the description to find out! To drive the car to the parking lot which it is reserved, use the arrow keys. Drive it so that you don't hit anything along the way, and that you get the car in the spot in the correct place, as when you see the yellow mark turn green, then you know you have parked it correctly. Depending on how well you park the car and on the number of accidents you have, you get from one to five stars, and we really hope you will get five each time. We can only wish you good luck, and invite you to start the game right now, only on our website!
How to play?
Use the arrow keys.