Puppy Dog Pals Sound Memory

Puppy Dog Pals Sound Memory

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Welcome to Puppy Dog Pals Sound Memory, which is the newest game that our team is offering you today, with the Puppy Dog Pals Games category being a great Disney Junior Games category, in which we are always trying our best to bring you as many awesome games as possible. It is a category which we only recently have created, and in it, you have never played sound memory games, which is a type of memory game that is not that often found, but we really enjoy it. For those of you who have never played such a game before, we invite you to read this next part of the description to learn how it works! Around the character you have a circle of musical notes. You have to watch how they light up, and listen to their sound. When they stop, it is your turn to click on them in the exact same order that they have previously lit up. If you get the order right, you move on to the next sequence, and so on, until you reach the longest sequence, and complete the game. That's basically it, so start the game right now, and have a great time, only on our website!

How to play?

Use the mouse.