Papa Louie Night Hunt
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For a last time today, we are offering you all the chance of playing a game belonging to the Papa Louie Games category, a category of games we are sure that you enjoyed quite a few times before, so we are sure that you will have a really great time by playing this game as well, a game called Papa Louie Night Hunt, where you will go on a new, never-before-seen adventure with this character, who is always up for more adventures, as you should be as well. Don't worry, because we are going to explain the format to you right now, making sure you will have no problems playing the game. Use the left and right arrow keys to move, the up and down arrows to climb or descend stairs or ropes. To use the pepper bomb, you will press the X key, and the Z key to hit the enemies. In each level you need to get to the end of it, defeating all of the enemies that come in your way, but not only that, as you should also collect all of the diamonds required for each level. We are sure that you understood what you have to do, and that you will do a great job, so start playing this game right now, and let the fun begin!
How to play?
Use the arrow keys, the Z key, the X key.