Mila's Magic Shop

Mila's Magic Shop

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Mila's Magic Shop is one of the newest customer serving games added into the Halloween Games category, in which today we are going to add no less than 20 amazing games, one more fun and more interesting than the other one, because we want to make sure that we have the best games for Halloween, which is only a few days ahead of us, so we want to be prepared, knowing that you want to play these games. Don't worry about doing bad at the game, because we will now explain how you play it, so you are going to do just fine. In this game, Mila has a magic shop, full of potions, brooms, magical items, and more similar things. All sorts of wizards and beings come to her shop daily to get the things they need. You are going to use the mouse to serve them the items that they request, and you have to do it fast, because if you spend too much time, clients will not be satisfied. In each day you need to make a certain number of coins in order to advance to the next day of business. There are other surprises, but we let you discover them by playing the game yourself, so start right now!

How to play?

Use the mouse.