Burrito Bison Revenge
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The Burrito Bison returns to the world of Candy Land since his wallet is still with the bears, which means that you are going to play the second game in the series, called Burrito Bison Revenge, which is even better than the first one, which is something we know because we have made sure to play the game before adding it on our website, so everything that we tell you about it we do from experience. Now, if you did not play the first one, make sure to learn the gameplay by reading this next part of the description to the end! You will click on the meter when you want to jump, so try to click when it is as high as possible to jump further. Click or space bar to activate your rocket slam ability, which you use to smash gummies passing beneath you, which is going to refill your energy. You have to make a distance as big as possible, in addition to smashing down as many gummies as you can, in order to make a really big score each time that you sent Bison up in the air. Try to outdo yourself each time! Start playing right now, and we are sure that you are going to have a terrific time from start to finish!
How to play?
Use the mouse and space bar.