Judy Hopps Skin Care Spa
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We wish to offer you today a new and very fun game in the Zootopia Games category, which is for sure one of our favorites, and also one of your's, after the Zootopia film was one of the highest grossing movies of the year, making it another hit for Disney! Judy Hopps Skin Care Spa is the latest game from the category, and it features Judy Hopps, a police woman bunny from Zootopia. In this game, she has notices she has all kinds of pimples and problems with her facial skin, and she wants to resolve this problems as soon as possible. That is why she is asking for your help, which you can give it to her by playing this skin care game. Just keep reading the description to learn how to play the game and encounter no problems. Using the mouse, you will use the beauty products and tools which show up on the left side of the screen. You will click on them, and then click on Judy Hopps, where the arrows on the game screen point. With each product you will use, Judy's skin will heal more and more, until she is completly cured, and she has no more skin problems. She can return to being beautiful, and you will have a lot of fun playing this game, for sure!
How to play?
Use your mouse.