Zootopia Judy Doctor
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Yet another new Zootopia game has been prepared for you today on our website, where you will always be able to find all the most fun and interesting Zootopia Games online, because you know how many fans this Disney film has, and that almost all of them love playing online games featuring their new favorite characters! In this category we have now added the game called Zootopia Judy Doctor, which is a mirror game to the Zootopia Nick Doctor game, only this time, the one injured is Judy Hopps. It's no wonder she is injured, as she is a police officers, and she goes on dangerous missions, where she usually gets injured. Would you want to treat her so that she can get back to work as soon as possible? Well, you can, by playing this game. To treat Judy you will be using the items on the bottom of the screen. You will start by removing all shrapnel from Judy's body, and then you will wipe away all the dirt on her fur. You will then use a cotton ball to put alchool on all her injuries, so that they are sanitary. You will then stitch them all up using string, and at the end, you will apply two different kids of bandages on her injuries. Play doctor right now, and have fun!
How to play?
Use your mouse to play.