Corporate Climber
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Welcome back to the Y8 Games category on our website, where it is with great delight that right now we are sharing with you all the game called Corporate Climber, which we have no doubt is going to be a fresh experience for everyone playing this game, since we know for sure that there have never been similar games in this category before, so we hope that you are ready for something new and awesome, which we have no doubt at all you are going to enjoy greatly. To make sure of that, right now we are going to explain what it is you have to do and how, so make sure you read this to the end! Your goal is to climb the corporate ladder and take over the world. Move with the left and right arrow keys, use the down one to duck or crawl, the X one to jump, down and X to jump down, and the space bar and P for opening up the inventory. You have to reach the end of each level before the money goes to zero, because you will not have any funds, and that is not something that you want to happen, we are sure! Start now, enjoy, and do not hesitate to share this game with all of your friends as well!
How to play?
Use the arrow keys and space bar, X key.