Carrot Puzzle
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We are now returning to the Distroller Games category that we have created not long ago, where we have seen that the first batch of games we have added in it has been received quite well, so we have no doubt at all that the same thing is going to be true for the ones we are offering you today as well, starting with Carrot Puzzle, which is one of the best puzzle games you will play here today, so you should not miss this chance for anything. We will now explain how the game works, so make sure that you read this to the end, if you want to do great at it. First, you are going to see the complete image, and on the bottom of it you see the options that you have regarding the number of pieces you want the puzzle you will solve to have, with the options being as follows: 12, 24, 48, and 64. You then use the mouse to pick up each of the pieces, and one by one put them together, going by their shape and images, until they form a complete picture once again. Surely you will do great, and have fun as well, so why not start this game right now, and see that we are right?
How to play?
Use the mouse.