Mickey Roadster Puzzle
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We love bringing you new Mickey and the Roadster Racers Games on our website, because we know very well that it is one of the best new categories of Disney Junior Games that we have ever created for our website, so more content in it is always going to be welcome, especially when it comes to puzzle games with formats unlike any that there might have been in the past here, so get yourself ready for a fresh and interesting new experience. Worry not, because we are going to explain how the game works right here and now! First, choose if you want to play the sliding mode or the jigsaw mode. For the sliding one, you click on the rectangle-shaped puzzle pieces in order to slide them into the empty spot, if they are next to it, and you need to use this method to put all of them in place. For the jigsaw mode, you choose how many jigsaw pieces you want the puzzle to have, and then click on shuffle to spread the pieces. Then use the mouse to pick up the pieces and put all of them back together, until you complete the puzzle, and try to do it fast! Good luck, and come back tomorrow as well, when lots of new games will await you all!
How to play?
Use the mouse.