Alvin Board Buster

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We are sure that combining Alvin and the Chipmunks Games with skateboarding games online is one of the best ideas that the people who created the game called Alvin Boar Buster could have had, which is why it is our great pleasure that right now on our website we get to invite you all to try out the game called Alvin Boar Buster, with which we have had immense fun, so we have no doubt at all that you will as well, as this are how our games are usually received. Of course, we will now be explaining how the game works, to make sure that you have no problems when you play it! You move Alvin using the up and down arrow keys, and if you want to jump you press the space bar. Avoid obstacles on your road such as teddy bears, cones, or patches of grass, but make sure to grab things such as mics, drums, hats, letters, guitars, because they are going to be added to your score, and we are sure you want to have a big one. There will also be ramps on the track, on which you should go and then press the space bar to make tricks while in the air, and you can do different types of tricks depending on how many times you press the space bar. What are you waiting for? Start the fun right now, and you won't regret it!
How to play?
Use the arrow keys and space bar.