Nick Soccer Stars 2

Nick Soccer Stars 2

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Nick Soccer Stars 2 is one of the newest sports games and football games/soccer games online added by our team into the Nickelodeon Games category, it being a sequel to a game we already have and which has been received very well and played by many children already. Well, this one will have a new set of characters for you to play with, which is why you will find it in other categories like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Games, Spongebob Games, Alvinn and the Chipmunks Games, Game Shakers Games, Henry Danger Games, Power Rangers Ninja Steel Games, and The Loud House Games. You can play in a tournament, or choose a random matchup, which are going to be friendly matches. You then choose the character you want to be, and will be given a pitch to play in, with more characters and more stages being unlocked as you advance in the game. You are going to use the arrow keys to control your character, with the intent being to score more goals than the opponent, as the one with more points at the end of the game is going to be the winner of it. Good luck to everyone, and when you are done, hopefully you will check out other games of the same category, as they are all really fun to play!

How to play?

Use the arrow keys and space bar.