Nick Basketball Stars 2
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Since in the Nickelodeon Games category on our website we have added basketball games before, mainly Nick Basketball Stars 1, we are very happy that we have found that this game has a sequel, entitled Nick Basketball Stars 2, of course, which we gladly now offer on our website as well, where we have no doubt at all you are about to have lots and lots of fun, just like we think you have had with the first game, because if you played that one, you will certainly not miss the chance of playing this one either! It's a game that goes into the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Games, Spongebob Games, The Loud House Games, Henry Danger Games, Power Rangers Ninja Steel Games categories, since it features the stars of these shows. You can choose to play one on one or two on two, and you can play the game in multiple levels of difficulty. You can also play a quick match, a championship, or an All-Stars game. Use the arrow keys to control your players, and the space bar as well, with your goal being to score more points than the rival team. Good luck to everyone playing this game, and make sure you also check out the other games we will bring you here all day long!
How to play?
Use the arrow keys and space bar.