Paw Patrol Fishing
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Well, if you wanted to see what new Paw Patrol Games we would add for you today on our website, well, you can be happy, because we have just added the first game of the day, belonging to this great Nickelodeon Games category, which is called Paw Patrol Fishing, and it is the first fishing game from the category, and the second overall fishing game on the website. Ryder from Paw Patrol is stranded on an island in the ocean, so he has to fish to get food to stay alive, and you are going to help him do that. Fishing will be very fun, and we will now tell you you will do it, so just keep reading to find out. You will have a claw which will move from left to right and right to left, and you have to press the space bar when it is in the direction of a fish, so that it will extend and catch that fish. You get points for each fish, and you have to make a certain score each level to advance. Also, you have to do it before the 60 seconds granted for that run out. The other thing you should know is not to catch boots, pikes or other items which are not fish, because then you will lose points. Good luck at fishing, and we hope you will have a good catch!
How to play?
Use the space bar.