Famous Paintings Parodies 8

Famous Paintings Parodies 8

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We now invite you all to play Famous Paintings Parodies 8, which is one of the most unique and most awesome quiz games from our website, which we have a feeling you are going to greatly enjoy playing from beginning to end, especially if you are a fan of art and paintings, since this is a game that revolves around the world of paintings, only with a twist, in order to make this game more suitable for children, and more fun at the same time. Worry not, as we will be explaining how it works right here and now, so you shall not have any difficulties in playing it. Well, you are going to be shown a parody of a painting, and you need to recognize the author and name of the original painting that inspired it. At the bottom of the artwork you are going to see three options, and you choose the one you think is right, by clicking on it. The more you get right, the more points you are going to get by the end of the game, which should be your goal. What are you waiting for? You know how to play the game, and surely you are going to have a fantastic time with it, so start having fun right now, like only on our website you can have!

How to play?

Use the mouse.