Kazoops Puzzle Mania
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The most recent category that we have created for our website and which we are presenting to you right now, through it's first game, is a category called Kazoops Games, and it is based on the show entitled Kazoops, which is going to stream on Netflix sometime around 2016. It is one of the most fun shows targeted for preschool children, where together with Monty and his best friend and family pet pig, Jimmy Jones, you will go on countless adventures and use your imagination all the time. Start doing that right now, with the game called Kazoops Puzzle Mania, a very interesting puzzle game about which we are going to tell you more right now, so read carefully! You will have two interesting puzzles of Monty and Jimmy Jones, and another one featuring their whole family, so you will have three levels in total. The image will be transparent, and lines will be drawn on it. You will take the pieces from around the screen, and put them where they match with the image, until you complete the picture, and it is whole again. The first puzzle only has four pieces, but the number will grow as you advance. Good luck to you!
How to play?
Use the mouse.