Football Legends Head Soccer
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The Football Games category of our website is without a doubt one of our most beloved categories of sports games, so it is always our pleasure to bring you new and interesting games in it, just like we are doing right now, when we get to share with you all the game called Football Legends Head Soccer, a game with which we have had lots of fun with, from start to finish, which is why we knew that it had to be brought over for you all for free. Now, we explain how the game works right here and now, so when you are done reading this, you should not have any problems playing it at all! To begin with, you are going to choose which football legend you want to be, and you are going to notice that the heads of the players are larger than they should be, which is one of the main things that draws children towards the game. You have to move using the left and right arrows, in order to hit the ball with your head, so that you throw it over to the opponent's field. The player that does not manage to hit the ball, and it falls on his field will lose be the loser, so the other one wins a point. Win more points than the other player before the time goes out and the match is over. Good luck to you, then!
How to play?
Use the arrows.