Truck Sugar Cookies
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We know that our visitors love to play cooking games, so we are very happy that right now we get to share with each and every one of you a wonderful game such as Truck Sugar Cookies, a game with which there is no way at all you are not going to have lots and lots of fun with, from start to finish, as the same thing can certainly be said of our own experience with it, the reason why we wanted this game here in the first place. We explain more about it in this article, so make sure to read it fully before you begin! The first part of the game is the shopping one, as you need to buy ingredients for the cookies, so go to the shop and buy what is required of you. For the second part of the game, the cooking one, use the ingredients and tools to cook, clicking where you are shown by the arrows on-screen, and in no time at all, you will have finished with the truck cookies. Then, they also need to be decorated, and you are going to use the decoration buttons on the screen however you want to, and no doubt at all create a great looking dessert. Start now, and enjoy your time here, like only on our website would be possible!
How to play?
Use the mouse.