Rurus Christmas Run
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Right now we come back to the Christmas Games category of our website, where we are going to be bringing you new games this month every new day, and we are doing so because it is the month of this holiday, meaning that children all over the world want to play games with this theme, and who would we be if we would not bring them here the best of such games, right? The game we offer you here today is this one, called Ruru's Christmas Run, where you go on a run with Ruru the reindeer, and we explain how right here and now, so make sure to pay attention to this fully! The reindeer is going to run by itself, always forward, and what you have to do is help it jump, either two avoid the obstacles, or to collect the lightbulbs, which need to be gathered because you get points in return for them, so the more you grab, the bigger your score is going to get. Watch out for obstacles, since hitting three of them means you lost, as you will have only three lives available. Good luck to everyone, and we hope you don't leave since there are still plenty of cool games for you to play on our website today!
How to play?
Use the mouse.