Piratebattle Io
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We know that Io Games are some of the most popular games we have on our website, so of course, we are very happy that right now we get to share with each and every one of you the game called Piratebattle Io, especially since there have not been many pirate games added in this category before, meaning that if you give this game a chance, a new and interesting experience awaits you, one that we definitely recommend, because if we did not, we don't think we would have brought the game over in the first place. We now teach you how it works, so make sure to read this fully before you begin! You start by naming your ship and then hitting the play button. Go on the sea, shoot other pirate ships before they shoot you, and try to collect as much gold as possible as well because you can then use that gold to upgrade your ship and make it better, which is awesome, don't you think? Use the mouse to move your ship on the sea, and if you want to use a boost, press the spacebar. Good luck to everyone playing the game, and if you are up for more fun, you are in the best place for it, our website, where lots of fun awaits you!
How to play?
Use the mouse and spacebar.