Crystal Flu Doctor
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Flu doctor games have not been added on our website in a long time, so we are very happy that right now we get the opportunity of sharing with each and every one of you the game called Crystal Flu Doctor, which features Crystal, just like the title says, a girl which has gotten the flu, so is now in the hospital, where she has the luck of having you as her doctor, who is going to give their best to heal her as fast as possible, right? Since we are sure that this is what you want, let us explain how it is done, after which playing this game is not going to be at all difficult! You are going to start with two check-ups, once for her temperature, and once for her heart-beat, which are two very important things to know as a doctor. You are then going to start applying the treatment, so she can be back in good health as soon as possible. To achieve this, simply click where you are being shown on the screen by the hand, and so you are going to do all the procedures correctly. Stick around, since there are plenty more awesome games coming for you right now, and missing them would be a real shame!
How to play?
Use the mouse.