Moana Brain Doctor
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We always love to come back to the Moana Games category from our website, just like right now, when each and every one of you is invited to check out the game called Moana Brain Doctor, one of the newest doctor games and surgery games from our website and from this category, where brain surgery games have never before been added in the past, so we hope that you are ready to have a great gaming experience, like you get to have only on our website, if we are being honest. Worry not, because we explain how the game works right here and now, so that you will have no troubles at all! On the bottom of the game screen you will receive the medical instruments and devices that you will need to perform the surgery. An arrow is going to indicate which ones you have to choose at each time, as well as where you have to use them and in what shape and form, so simply follow the guidance of the arrows, and you are going to do great at this game, guaranteed! That's what we wanted to say, so we invite you to start playing right now, and maybe even share this game with your friends, so that you are going to continue having fun!
How to play?
Use the mouse.