Funky Skaters

Funky Skaters

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We don't remember there being that many skateboarding games added to the Unblocked Games category of our website, so of course, when we got the opportunity of sharing with you all the game called Funky Skaters, we made sure to take it, and something tells us that there will be many of you right now who are going to give this game a chance, which is something we hope you do, since you are only going to have a great time, like it is always possible here. This following part of the description teaches you what to do, so make sure to read it before you start playing the game! You are going to use the right arrow key to lean forward, the left one to lean backward, and the up arrow key to jump. Try to get as further as possible, because the more you advance, the better your score, and you can improve your points if you do stunts and trucks, which can be done while in the air, by pressing keys like Z, X, C, V, and B. Collect as many stars as you can from the path as well. Fun start right here, only now, if you give this game a chance, so do it, and then stick around and play more awesome games we have prepared for you here today!

How to play?

Use the mouse.