Santas Toy Workshop

Santas Toy Workshop

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We love the Santa Games category, which is why whenever we get the opportunity we make sure to bring you more new games in it, which we are doing right in this instant when each and every one of you are invited to check out the game called Santa's Toy Workshop, without a doubt one of the best Christmas Games you will play here today for free, and because we have had such a great time with it, what are the chances that the same will not be true of your experience with it too? In this following part of the description, we teach you what to do and how, so give it a look before you start playing! You will receive letters from kids, who are going to describe what they want to receive this Christmas. Your goal is to go to the workshop and build those toys for them. You are going to build the toys by looking at the design sheet, which shows you which parts you need for each toy, and then use the mouse to select them in order to have them put together and create each toy. Good luck, and don't leave, as we have more awesome games in store for you, and missing them would be a real shame, trust us on that!

How to play?

Use the mouse.