Doras Matching Game
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We know that Dora Games is among some of our most popular categories of Nick Jr Games, which is why whenever we get an opportunity of bringing you more new and interesting games on this page we make sure to do so, with that being the reason why right now you are all invited to check out and have the best time possible with the game called Doras Matching Game, one of the first memory games with cards that this category has had, and with which you are guaranteed a great time. Let's explain how it works, after which you are not going to have difficulties in playing it at all, guaranteed! There will be a total of three levels for you to go through, and as you progress, the number of cards you need to match will increase, with six cards being in the first one. You click on two cards at a time to flip them around, and when the two cards you've flipped are the same, they get removed from the screen, with your goal being to remove them all in each level and complete it. Good luck, have the best time possible, and don't stop here if you want to check out more of our great games!
How to play?
Use the mouse.