Oddbods Pizza Race

Oddbods Pizza Race

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Yes, today is yet another day when we have the pleasure of bringing our visitors new and interesting Oddbods Games online for you all to play, which is the reason why right at this moment we are sharing with you all a game such as Oddbods Pizza Race, one with which we have had a tremendous time from start to finish, so there is no doubt in our minds that the same thing is going to be true of your own time with it, or otherwise it would not have been brought over here. Let us now teach you what to do, so make sure to pay close attention! In this game, you are delivering pizza, using the right and left arrow keys to move, the up one to jump, and the down one to slide. Using this moves you have to avoid all of the obstacles, cars, and other things in your path so that you keep running for as long as possible. That is not all, either, as you have to also try and collect as many coins along the way as possible, because the more of them you grab, the bigger your score becomes, and we're sure you want a huge one, right? Good luck, and don't stop here, since we've got even more great content coming for you all right now!

How to play?

Use the arrows.