Ash Catches Pokemon
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Well, it was obvious that today we were also going to bring you new Pokemon Games, as we have seen that you really enjoy playing them all on our website, so just for you we have now added the game called Ash Catches Pokemon, which we invite everyone to check out, and have a lot of fun playing it! In this game, Ash, the main character of the Pokemon cartoons is going to be the main character in the game, and you are going to help him catch Pokemon. How? Well, you are going to find out right now, if you keep reading the description! You are going to move him around using the mouse, and there are going to be all kinds of Pokemon moving around him. Now, with the mouse, you have to keep clicking on a pokemon until you fill up the pokeball, and when it is filled, you are going to have the pokemon caught. You get points for each caught pokemon, so you have to do your best in order to catch as many as possible. Watch out for the turds that fall out of the sky, as it is not good for them to touch you, and remember that you can only catch pokemon until the heart bar at the top of the screen depletes completely. Good luck everyone!
How to play?
Use the mouse.