Game Shakers Scoobaroo

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We are continuing adding new Game Shakers Games for you, as we have seen that you really enjoy playing all of them, so we know that adding a game like Game Shakers Scoobaroo is going to really make you happy that you can play this game! Scoobaroo is a game also developed in the show, and, as you can see from the image of the game, the main character in it is a Kangooroo who is wearing scuba diving gear, because he will have to go underwater, and you are going to help him. You will learn what you have to do in the game from the following lines of the description, don't worry. You have to jump with the kangoroo in the water, defeat many enemies, and collect points, in order to set new records. In this game, you only need to use the space bar to stop the dive meter. The higher you stop the meter at, the better your jump is going to be. When enemies are around, you have to press the space bar to catch them. Try to outdo your record each time you jump, and you are going to have a lot of fun, for sure! After you are done, try all the other great Game Shakers Games on our website, and we assure you of a great time!
How to play?
Use the mouse.