Vambre and Prohyas Puzzle
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The release date for Mighty Magiswords is approaching, meaning that we have to do our best in order to add as many fun games as possible in the Mighty Magiswords Games category by that time, in order for you to be able to play games with your favorite new characters. If you did not know already, the two character depicted in this jigsaw puzzle, called Vambre and Prohyas, are a brother and sister duo who are warriors for hire, and who go around their world and look for the most crazy swords you have ever got the chance to see. Now, if you wish yo find out how the puzzle game works, you can learn everything about it from this next part of the description. This puzzle has a total of 40 pieces, and it will already be solved when you start the game, giving you the chance to remember very well how it looks. But, you need to solve it yourself, meaning you are going to press the Mezclar button. That will spread the pieces randomly on the screen, and you are going to use your mouse in order to put them back together until the puzzle is complete. We don't think you will have problems, so start the game right now, and have fun!
How to play?
Use the mouse.