Happy Valentine's Play
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On our website you have the chance right now to play one of the most awesome game belonging to the Bubble Guppies Games category, a game called Happy Valentine's Play, which is one of the most fun Valentine's Day Games ever! We assure you of that! Every year this time, one of the guppies puts on a play for the ocassion, and this year, you get the chance to be the director of a play, which is a very important role, because the director makes sure that everything is put together nicely, and the play turns out to be great. Gil is going to be the main character in the play, and another guppy will narate. What you have to do? Well, you will find right now, so keep reading the description. While the story is narrated and you can see it unfold on the game screen, you will get to certain points where you will have to make choices as a director. For example you will choose what gift Gil will bring to the party, or which villain he meets on his way. For each decision you have to choose from three different options. We are sure that you will be able to have a lot of fun, so we invite you to start this game right now, and you will see for yoursel!
How to play?
Use the mouse.