Rebel Gamio
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It’s not often that you find games like Rebel Gamio, because the multiplayer io games category of our website is quite a large one, with this game setting itself apart as one of the best it has had in recent times, and you will see why right now!
Win Gamio by being the fastest Rebel!
This is a racing game in 3d where you race against random players from the internet, or you can go up against friends in a private room. Either way, the first one to reach and cross the finish line becomes the winner.
To move your animal avatar on two feet you use the arrow keys, having to go past obstacles, traps, and not fall to lower levels to always be advancing ahead of the other racers, and if you want more points, collect bones and snowflakes.
You will sometimes have to use levers or keys to open up the doors in front of you, so do it! Good luck, we wish you all the best and tons of fun and invite you to stick around for what’s to come, you won’t regret it!
How to play?
Use the arrow keys.