Moana Memory Match
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It's time for all of you to play a brand new game that we have added into the Moana Games category on our website, a game that is called Moana Memory Match, which we are positive that it is going to be enjoyed by a large number of children playing it, like it is usually the case with the awesome games added in all of our Disney Games categories. Well, there is a high chance that you have already played memory games like this one before, because they are pretty usual on our website, but, if you don't know how it is played, don't worry at all, because we are going to explain right now! Well, on the game screen, there are going to be 12 face-down cards which have images of Moana and other characters from her movie. You will be clicking on two cards each time, and if the cards you selected are the same, then they remain visible on the screen. Like you probably figured out, the aim of this game is to have all the six pairs match, because only then will you have won the game. Well, that's really all you have to know about the game, so start it right now, and have a lot of fun! Good luck as well!
How to play?
Use the mouse.