Valentine Hidden Heart

Valentine Hidden Heart

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Come back in short time to play it! ðŸĪ—


Valentine Hidden Heart is a hidden objects game online, but one filled with love, well, like all our games for that matter, but this time even more so as it is set on Valentine’s Day, for which we are eager, and we’re sure you will be too!

Let’s search and find the Valentine Hidden Heart!

In each level, there will be a romantic picture in which you need to find ten hidden hearts and click on them, something that has to be done before the time granted for it runs out on you, or else you lose.

If you click wrong, you lose part of your time, so don’t do it randomly, it will do you no benefits. Now that you’ve understood, feel free to begin, and stick around, as more great games are still to come!

How to play?

Use the mouse.