Minecraft Stage Construction
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Hello friends, well I found a presentation of a new interesting and exciting game in which you will have to have a great time with our friend in Minecraft, Steve! This time we will work on crafting namely than you need to create multiple images or scenes emblematic characters in Minecraft game. The title of this new joculete is Minecraft Construction Stage and is one in which the boys especially will be able to build their version of the story and liking. Thus, you can modify the characters that appear in your scene, the weapons you, Steven keep them in your hand or on your side, several hatches of decor such as landscape, blocks of earth or other materials, trees, flowers and and so on. In this game besides all these things you can and change the color of the main character so that you would be able to do what color do you think she is better! Once everything is ready, click the Finish button and you will see creation! I hope you'll enjoy games Minecraft Construction Stage and do not forget, you've played the first time Friv-Games-Today.com!
How to play?
Use your mouse to play this game!