Pixel Road Taxi Depot
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Right now on www.friv-games-today.com you are going to play a game which we have no doubt at all that you are going to enjoy from start to finish, which is usually the case when it comes to car games, 3d games, or taxi games, as this one manages to bring all of these three things together in one amazing game. In addition to that, it also uses graphics similar to Minecraft, which is very popular, so we are certain the game is going to be loved by many. To make sure of that, we will now tell you how it works, so pay attention, and then get ready to start having lots of fun on our website! You are going to need the arrow keys to drive. To beat a mission, you will have to deliver a certain number of passengers. You are going to go pick up the client, and afterwards deliver him to his wanted destination, and try to do it fast, so that you can get straight to picking up another one, and so fort. For each ride you get coins in return, and you have to do your best to save as much money in order to use it for building your taxi depot, and in the end, own more than one taxis. It's a lot of fun, so start right now, it's only a click away!
How to play?
Use the arrow keys.