Zombie Last Night 2
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In the Yepi Games category we have not added any zombie games before, so it is with great joy that right now we offer you all Zombie Last Night 2, which we have tested before adding here, so we know that it is going to be one of the best zombie games that you are going to be able to play all day on our website, so we hope that you are ready to have an experience you won't forget! It is played like most zombie shooting and zombie fighting games, but if you are not used to such games, let us explain what you have to do and how right here and now! You are going to fight against waves, and the bigger the wave, the more enemies you have, and the harder it is going to be for you. From the weapons shop you can use the money you earned to get all sorts of cool weapons and defeat the enemies. You are going to move using the W,A,S,D keys, or the arrow if it is easier for you, and with the mouse you are going to aim and shoot the gun, shooting all of the zombies that come in front of you. Start this awesome game right now, and we are certain you will not be in the least disappointed!
How to play?
Use the W,A,S,D keys and the mouse.