Electric Man 2
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The final new game we have brought you all today into the Gogy Games category from our website is this one, a game entitled Electric Man 2, which you should definitely play weather or not you have played the first Electric Man Game, as we are sure that no matter the case, you are going to enjoy it a lot, just like we have had, as we would not add a boring game to our website, never. In this game, combat teams of varying numbers compete against each other to determine who is the most powerful stick man in the universe. You are going to compete as well, so let us explain to you how you can fight, so that you do a great job. Use Q for slow motion punch moves, W for slow motion kick moves, E for slow motion grab moves, A for punch moves, S for kick moves, D for grab moves. Run left with the corresponding arrow key, the same to the right, and dodge using the down arrow key. With these controls, do your best to defeat all of your enemies, so that you end up becoming the most powerful stick man in the world! Give this game a try right now, and do not hesitate to try other fantastic games from our website as well!
How to play?
Use the arrow keys, Q,W,E,A,S,D.