Jungle Roller
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Jungle Roller is one of the newest logic games and thinking games our administrative team has just added into the Cloud Games category from our website, which we know is a category you love a lot, so of course we are doing our best to offer you as many interesting games in it as possible, with this one being the third game we have added today, and if you enjoyed the first two, you are surely going to enjoy this one as well. Of course, since the title does not give away much about the gameplay, you might want to learn how the game works by reading the next part of this description! You are going to have a certain kind of maze, put inside of a round object. You are going to be able to move that object around using the mouse, with the goal being to rotate it so that you move the ball around it. You are going to have to get to the switches first, and after all of them have been switched on, you are going to be opened the pathway to get you to the next level. With each new level, things get harder and harder, so that means you have to keep on focusing and doing your best! Give this game a go right now, and have lots of fun!
How to play?
Use the mouse.