Piggy Bank Adventure

Piggy Bank Adventure

14 votes

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Piggy Bank Adventure is the final game we are providing you with today into the Cloud Games category on our website, which we know is a fan-favorite, with that being the primary reason why we know that the more games we manage to bring you here, the more fun you are going to have, and since you have never played games similar to this one before, we knew that this one was the game that we had to add next. Now, we realize that you don't know anything about it, so allow us to explain the gameplay next, so that you do a great job playing the game, from beginning to end! You have a total of 24 levels, and in each one you can get from one to three stars. There is going to be a coin hanging on a rope, moving to the left and to the right. You use the mouse to cut it at the correct time, so that it falls into the piggy bank. You should also try to make it grab the stars along the way as well, because the more you get, the more extra points you are going to get. Click and hold the left mouse button, and then swipe to cut the rope. It is like cut the rope games, only way more fun, so give it a shot right now, and have a blast!

How to play?

Use the mouse.