Wellie Wishers Memory
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We are now starting the Wellie Wishers Games category from our website with one of the best new memory games with cards you will get to play on our website, with this only being the first memory game we have prepared for this category, and we have no doubt at all that you will enjoy it a lot, since it has a format that has always been a hit on our website, so we are sure that this will be as well, considering the lovely characters it features. Worry not, because the gameplay is explained in the following part of this description, so read it carefully! You have a total of 18 cards on the screen, all face-down. Click on two of them at a time to turn them over, and every time they are different, you lose 20 points, but you gain 200 when they are the same, in addition to the fact that they are removed from the screen. You win the game once you have eliminated all of the nine pairs of cards, and by that time we hope that you have gathered a lot of points as well. Waste no time at all, give the game a go right now, and stay with us if you want even more awesome games from this category!
How to play?
Use the mouse.