Stump Smash Puzzle
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We want to invite all of you back to the Skylanders Games category right now, where we have just added the category's first puzzle game, and we are sure that more puzzle games are going to follow in the future, and not only that, but that you are going to simply love playing them, just like we enjoyed playing this one, as puzzle solving games have always been some of the best received games on our website. This will feature Stump Smash, one of the skylanders, and we will explain the gameplay right now, so have no worries at all. When you begin, the puzzle pieces are already going to be shuffled randomly on the game screen. That means that you need to take notice of their shape and the image that they have on each of them, so that you know how to pick up each piece and put it together with the other pieces that it fits with, until you have a complete image before you. There is no timer, so take your time with it and enjoy the process of solving a puzzle. Only here will you be able to find and play such games, so stay with us if you want to keep on having fun all day long!
How to play?
Use the mouse.