101 Dalmatians Card Battle
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101 Dalmatians Card Battle is the first game added into the 101 Dalmatian Street Games category on our website, which is a category of Disney Junior Games for which we are very, very happy, especially since we are the first one to create a category of games for this series that is going to begin at the end of 2018 all over the world. Of course, these first games added in it are based upon the older animated series or live-action films of this franchise, but they are great nonetheless. Allow us to explain how this game works, so that you can begin playing it immediately, since we are sure that you want to. A deck, excluding the jokers, is going to be divided into two halves. The player uses the black ones. The four ones face-up are yours, the other four your opponent's. You will both get new cards, and place them down, and the one who has the bigger number collects. The goal is to get rid of all of your cards, as the first one to do so is the winner. We want to wish you all good luck and the most fun time ever, possible only on www.friv-games-today.com!
How to play?
Use the mouse.