101 Dalmatians Jigsaw
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Of course we have come back to the 101 Dalmatian Street Games category on our website, which we know is a category that plenty of children from all over the world really love, which is why we wanted to bring you all yet another game in it, a game called 101 Dalmatians Jigsaw, which might be the final game of the category for a while, but whenever new games with these characters are going to show up, we are going to make sure that we bring them here as quickly as possible, for all of you to have fun with them. Until then, we are now going to explain how this one works, making sure that you have no issues when you play it! Well, you are first going to choose how many pieces you want the puzzle to have, and the options are going to be found underneath the complete image. The choices you have are: 12, 24, 48, 64, and finally, 99. After you have chosen, you will see that number of pieces, scattered all over the game screen. Use the mouse to pick up the pieces, one by one, and put them all together to forma a complete picture, just like the one you saw when you started the game! Good luck to everyone!
How to play?
Use the mouse.