Skrull Takedown
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We know that you like playing Avengers Games in our category of Marvel Games, which is definitely one of the best categories of Super Heroes Games that we have on our website, where we know that you want it possible for you to play as many great games with these characters as possible, which is why right now we have added the game called Skrull Takedown, in which Hulk, Thor, Iron Man and the others need your help to take down the Skrulls, an alien race. We will be explaining how you do it right now, so have no worries at all! Use the arrow keys to control the movement of the hero, and attack with the mouse or space bar. Go around defeating all enemies that show up in your path, because they need to be all eliminated. Along the way, make sure to grab objects that can be of help, because we are sure that they will help you in doing great. Make sure to help fallen heroes as well, so they can get back into action and together defeat the enemies. Good luck to everyone, and we want to invite you to check out some of our other games we have added today, as they are totally worth it!
How to play?
Use the arrow keys and mouse.