Train Cleaning And Fixing
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We have now returned to the Cleaning Games category, where we don't think that train cleaning games have been added before, or any train games for that matter, which is why we are very excited that we get to share this one with you, since we are now making the category even better and more fun, so without a doubt you are going to have a fresh and interesting new experience, which is what honestly we want to achieve with every new game that we are offering you on our website. If you want to learn the format of the game, keep on reading this description, and you will find all you want to know. The first part of the game is the cleaning of the train, and when you are done with that you move on to the following one, the fixing of the train. For both you are going to follow the on-screen instructions, clicking where you are being shown in order to make both the things as they are supposed to, so the train can get back to running as soon as possible. It will be both easy, and lots of fun, trust us on that! What are you waiting for, then? Start playing right now, and don't leave, since the day is far from being over!
How to play?
Use the mouse.