Little Dragon Heroes World Sim
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There are honestly not that many dragon games on our website, which is quite a shame, as we have a hunch that lots of boys from all over the world would love to play as many of these games as possible, which is why right now on our website we are offering you all the opportunity of playing the game called Little Dragon Heroes World Sim, which is a simulator game where you are going to enter in a world of dragons and heroes, where we are sure that you are going to have fun from beginning to end. To make sure of that, let us now tell you more about the game, such as what you will do in it, and what controls you need to know of. To start, pick the dragon that you want to be, and then get into the single player mode, or the multiplayer one, but only if it is available. Move using the four arrow keys, use fire attacks with the Q and E keys, R to fly up, F to fly down, and the space bar to jump. Go around this world of dragons, explore everything around you, and try to defeat as many enemies as you can, avoiding being put down, because that means losing the game. Good luck, and we hope you are going to have a great time!
How to play?
Use the arrow keys, Q and E keys, R and F keys, space bar.